Wednesday 8 February 2012

Project : Diagrammatic illustration

Jonty Clark

The samples of diagrammatic illustrations :

Exercise : Giving instructions

Using the internet, magazines etc. make a collection of examples and reference materials that can help you with an illustration to fit one of the categories below.

Making a cup of tea          Getting to my house         Playing a tune on an instrument  

 sketch nr. 1
sketch nr. 2

sketch nr.3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

This is my first sketch illustration for this task.  I scanned my drawings and put them all together in Photoshop.  My idea is to create a diagrammatic image, which shows how to make a cup of tea.  It starts from the top middle part just as if the clock starts from the top and goes round.

 This is my illustration after 1 hour working with my software ... Still some work to do however; I am going to finish for Today.  Hope I will do some progress Tomorrow.

10.02.2012 piatek

I got my Tutor Report from Assignment nr. 2 just now.  The feedback was very constructive and I know it is just to help me to be a better illustrator and artist in the future.  I can see that one part of my personality may lead to less successful artwork as a professional illustrator.  Many times, I “KILL” THE FRESSNESS OF MY ILLUSTRATION OR PAINTING BY WORKING ON IT TOO MUCH.  I think by writing that sentence with capital letters I will make that mistake less often in the future.  I just have to remember not to work so long under one illustration or project.  I have to take a break more often, come back to the project, and think how long I would like to work on it.

Here I am with my questions:
  • Should I carry on with this project? 
  • When should I stop? 
  • Is it finishing already?

This illustration is still fresh with rough pencil drawings.  I know at this point that I would like to keep it nearly as it is.  I would like to work JUST A LITTLE on those drawings to make them more visible, especially those one on the white tablecloth.

There is a nice image of tea time that I have found on interent.

 I finished my illustration.  I am not going to work on it any more.  I just love it how it is.  I think it looks nice, fresh and gives a good description hot to make a cup of tea.  I was trying to fallow my tutor advice and did not spend more time than on previous tasks.

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