Tuesday 7 February 2012

Project - Hierarchy in the image

Exercise: Reading an image


1)   What the image is about.What is it saying?

In this image, two boys try to steal something from the cave where the dragon is sleeping.

2)  Work out the narrative and identify the story

We are looking at these two boys and the dragon from the illustrator’s point of view therefore this is narration in the third person.  It means that the narrator does not belong to the world, which is described in this illustration.  It looks like the story is about two boys who think that they can steal something from the dragon using only bare hands.  One of them is pointing at the outside world and is trying to get out before it is too late.  The other one looks more determined and wants to take something that belongs to the beast.  We can see that they are not the first who wanted to possess something from this cave.

3)  Describe the palette and tonal range which has been used. Note if the colours are hot or cold, whether the elements are detailed or textural, and where these approaches are used.

There are hot and cold colours.  There is a wide palette of colours and the tonal range is vivid and vibrant. There is a good notification of texture especially on the dragon skin and the cave.  It works very well as an illustration.

4)  Is there any connection between hot colour and the importance of the element in telling the story?

There is a big connection between hot colours in this image as it builds a mood and brings the elements to the front of the illustration.

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